How to Monitor Employee Call Logs Legally in 2023?

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Monitoring employee call logs has become a common practice in most companies lately. Employers are using different employee monitoring tools to track team performance and productivity. Even before the pandemic, companies invested in employee tracking systems. A survey by Gartner found that in 2018, 30% of employees were comfortable when monitored by their employer, compared to only 10% in 2016.

Employees are comfortable when monitored if they are well-informed about how and when. Employees need transparency.

After the pandemic, working from home has become the new normal for corporates. In such a scenario tracking employees can build more trust. Many corporate designations include telecommuting jobs. With an increase in the remote teams, there exists a demand for call-tracking software.

Benefits of Employee Call Tracking & Monitoring

Irrespective of the nature of a business, call tracking software helps to provide insights into employee performance and productivity. Let's figure out how the call monitoring system benefits the company.

Call monitoring benefits for employees.

Monitoring employees can be a daunting thought for the team. But, it helps in boosting productivity and performance. Some of the many benefits that employee experiences with call monitoring are: 

  • Increase in performance and work productivity.
  • Achieve job satisfaction
  • Can understand pain points better and can get immediate help from managers.

Call monitoring benefits for managers.

Managers are constantly making efforts to execute operations smoothly. They always ensure that employees are well-trained to deal with customers efficiently. Call monitoring software helps managers track the team's performance from a central cloud-based dashboard from any corner of the globe. Benefits that manager experience with call monitoring software: 

  • Identify consumer problems quickly.
  • Identifying opportunities for employee improvement.
  • Determining ways to improve call times.
  • Get better insights into the response of any marketing campaigns.
  • Prepare better training outlines and processes for employees.

Call monitoring benefits for the company.

Investing in a robust call monitoring system benefits the whole ecosystem of the organisation. Let's look at the company's advantages in monitoring employee call logs.

  • Reduced employee turnover.
  • Increase in sales.
  • Reduced operating cost.
  • Enhance customer service experience and loyalty. 

Does Employee Call Monitoring Hamper Their Right to Privacy?

Article 21 of the Indian Constitution states that privacy is a fundamental right, but that is not an absolute right, and it "may be lawfully restricted for the prevention of crime, disorder or protection of health, or the protection of other's rights and freedom."

This principle is the foundation for employee monitoring. When we speak about the workplace, employees cannot expect complete privacy. The employer has the right to monitor their employees for many reasons, including protecting company data.

Also, employees who work with company-provided devices agree to use them primarily for business purposes. In such a scenario, the employer can monitor calling activities. Additionally, an employer can monitor their employees' activities and performance during dedicated business hours.

When you monitor employee call logs, you must respect their privacy by setting ground rules. Most importantly, it would help to notify employees that you are monitoring their devices. You must also make them aware of what type of monitoring you are using and why. It is also advisable to make them understand how you'll store and use the data.

It is also vital for companies to thoroughly evaluate the call monitoring system they are using. As an organisation, you share your crucial data with companies that provide call-monitoring services. Thus, it becomes vital to understand their privacy policy.

For instance, Callyzer is a call monitoring software that ensures to protect your data by implementing reasonably stringent, internationally acceptable standards of technology, managerial security, technical security, operational security, and physical security to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The data resides behind a firewall, with access restricted to authorised personnel of Callyzer. 

Callyzer provides a complete solution to monitor and track employee call logs without hampering their privacy rights.

Steps to Monitor Employee Calls using Callyzer

Callyzer is an efficient tool for monitoring employee calls. Callyzer enables you to track employee calls from a central dashboard with Callyzer mobile application. Callyzer is a user-friendly software; it just takes three steps to monitor employee calls.

Step 1: Install the mobile application on the employee's phone. 

Download and install the Callyzer Biz application from the Play Store. 

To download the application, Click:

Step 2: Synchronise employee phone number with the cloud

Callyzer Biz will ask for your basic details like Name, Mobile Number, Employee Code(Optional), and Device Connect Code. As you fill in the details, Callyzer will synchronise the employee's phone number with the cloud.

Step 3: Generate Accurate Reports

With a well-designed dashboard, Callyzer enables you to generate and explore multiple useful reports to monitor employee call logs and performance. Here is a glimpse of the Callyzer dashboard and a few reports to give you a better understanding.

Intuitive Dashboard

Callyzer provides an inbuilt cloud-based dashboard that you can access from anywhere worldwide to get detailed analytics. Following data, you can get on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis:

  • Total number of Calls & Duration
  • Incoming & Outgoing Calls
  • Track Missed Calls & Rejected Calls
  • Never Attended Calls by Employee
  • Connected Calls
  • Unique Clients
  • Track Employee Working Hours

Deep Analysis & Statistics with Callyzer

Analyse all communication activities with summarised as well as detailed analysis and statistics. Following reports you get from detailed analysis and statistics:

  • Monitor total call duration 
  • Monitor Call Duration Analysis
  • Track which number has the highest total duration
  • Also, track the most extended call duration.
  • Know which number is Top Caller, Top Answered, and Top Dialer.

Call Recording Synchronisation

Callyzer allows you to synchronise call recording of an employee's device to a central cloud-based dashboard. You can easily view, listen and closely monitor each call recording. This feature helps you monitor employees' performance and train them to work better.

  • Easy to view, download and listen to call recordings for a particular call log
  • Keep the call recording an unlimited of times
  • No additional cost for the call recording.


As per central and state governments, employers can legally monitor employee call logs during working hours and when employees work on company-provided devices. Although, it is essential to make employees aware of how you are monitoring them and the reason behind it. Also, it is crucial to understand in which call monitoring system you are investing. Call Tracking Software like Callyzer is a robust application that maintains privacy by providing high-level security. 

Looking for Call Tracking Software? Contact us now for a free demo!

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